Oregon Guest Ranches

Long Hollow Ranch
Sisters, OR

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Bar M Ranch
...Phone: (541) 566-3381
...Address: 58840 Bar M Lane, Adams, Oregon 97810

Deer Run Lodge
...Phone: (405) 367-2687
...Address: East Highway 22, Caddo, OR 74729

Doubletree Ranch
...Phone: (541) 476-0120
...Address: PO Box 22, Merlin, OR 97532

Flying M Ranch
...Phone: (503) 662-3222
...Address: 23029 N.W. Flying M Road, Yamhill, Oregon 97148

Long Hollow Ranch
...Phone:541-923-5540 / 877-923-1901
...Address:71105 Holmes Road, Sisters, OR 97759

Minam River Lodge
...Phone: (503) 432-9171
...Address: PO Box 26 Joseph, Oregon 97846

Ponderosa Cattle Company & Guest Ranch
...Phone: (800) 331-1012
...Address: PO Box 190 Seneca, Oregon 97873

Rock Springs Guest Ranch
...Phone: (541) 382-1957 or (800) 225-3833
...Address: 64201 Tyler Road, Bend, Oregon 97701

Sun Pass Ranch
...Phone: (541) 381-2259
...Address: 52125 Highway 62, Fort Klamath, OR 97626

This page last updated - 3/16/2006

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